Friday, May 31, 2019

Malevolance Of God :: essays research papers

For as long as I can remember, graven image is said to be a benevolent immortal who oversees all the happenings of the world and mercifully forgives all of mankind for their sins. Most Christians, if asked, will say that God is good and more so, he is forgiving. The Puritan notions of hellfire and brimstone, and that God is vengeful absorb been replaced by sincere benevolence. This new age Christian idealism has its helpfulness in todays misguided society, but ultimately, as presented thus far in the Bible, is wrong. Gods image in the first five books of the Bible paints a picture of domination and malevolence.As proterozoic on as the book of Genesis, God, in almost ever single story, kills and utterly lays any person or civilization that does not believe in him. The story of Noahs Flood is a prime example. In Noahs Flood story, Gods feeling towards his people are first examined And the master key was sorry that he had made humankind on the earth...So the LORD said, I will bol t out form the Earth the human beings I have created...for I am sorry that I have made them...I have determined to make an end of all flesh...I am going to destroy them along with the earth.(Gen. 6.6-12)The Antediluvians were to God wicked and innately evil, his divine creations were flawed. Although, to God, humanity has been flawed since Eve doomed all humanity by eating from the Tree of intimacy of Good and Evil.In Exodus there are still several examples of how malevolent God is portrayed. God acts through Moses to bring about the plagues against Egypt. Go to Pharaoh for I have hardened his order that I may show these sign of mine among them...I have made fools of the that you may know that I am the LORD. (Ex. 10.1-2)To God, in order for the Israelites to truly believe in him, he must show off his powers to nations different to his own. After every plague though, the Pharaoh might have conscionable given up and let the Israelites leave Egypt, but God h ardened his heart each and every time to make an example out of him. As a result of God hardening the Pharaohs heart, thousands upon thousands of innocent Egyptians had to die due to the plagues brought against Egypt. Further more in Exodus, God says but you shall destroy their altars, join their images, and cut down their groves, for you shall not worship any other God, for the LORD whose name is jealous, is a jealous God (Ex 34.

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